Really now? Is this re

ally any debate? They should just makeout quick fast and in a hurry. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, better known as Lady Ga Ga, has come out with such chart toppers as "Poker Face" and "Just Dance", and has subsequently captured our ears and sex drives. Luckily for us, this electro-pop/dance mama is also an out and proud bisexual. In an interview from the May 2009 Rolling Stone, Gaga stated that she is indeed bisexual and is inspired by "beautiful women". According to her it's an aspect of her sexuality that makes her boyfriends "uncomfortable". Germanotta has also openly stated that "Pokerface" is about her bisexuality, but really, we could've guessed as per the
video. To quote Ga Ga from the August 2008 edition of HX
"I’m girl-crazy too. I really depends on where I am. I love men, I love women and I love sex". However, she also says "although she’s bisexual she’s more into her music than anything". Well, I'll just choose to ignore that last sentence. Ahem... anyway, onto (pun intended) lady number two. The ever hot, stupid sexy Angelina Jolie.

Ok, I don't care what y'all have to say. She was always hot, and is still really REALLY HOT. This bombshell has won
three Golden Globe Awards,
two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an
Oscar to put the cherry on top. She has promoted humanitarian causes throughout the world, and is noted for her work with refugees through UNHCR. Did I also mention she is super super hot, and likes to kiss girls? Seriously, who wasn't in love with Lara Croft? A 2003 article from the New York Daily News cites Angelina saying the following,
"Of course. If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I feel that it's okay to want to kiss and touch her? If I fell in love with her? Absolutely! Yes!" Hurrah Angelina! If only it could be me...
So aside from both of these women being really talented and openly bisexual, they are just both so freakin' hot. Ga Ga should stop bluffin' with her muffin', and Jolie should dump her man candy, so these two fine ass ladies can just makeout.